Rehabilitation for wastewater structures

PREDL's corrosion-resistant composite FRP panel liners are ideal for the rehabilitation of large wastewater structures such as lift stations. The FRP panel liner consists of a PP honeycomb core, which is covered by different layers of FRP material.  The FRP panel liners, designed and produced by PREDL,  are all deformation resistant. The corrosion resistance of the material extends the service life of the structure by decades. 

The prerequisite for the rehabilitation process is 3D laser scanning with the creation of a rehabilitation proposal by PREDL. Based on the scan data, PREDL's designers create a rehabilitation model which will be discussed with the customer. 


  • corrosion resistance
  • maintanance-free and reliable solution
  • costomizable design
  • proven performance for many years
  • engineering and support by PREDL 


You can find more detailed information here:

» download brochure FRP panel

» download case study FRP panel